xbox oneIs Kinect gaming dead? This seems to be the speculation at the moment, mainly thanks to the fact that during Microsoft’s E3 2015 presentation, there was little to no mention of the Kinect or any games that would take advantage of the Kinect. Add that to how Microsoft unbundled the Kinect from the Xbox One and you’d have a pretty strong case there.

However the good news is that the Kinect is not dead. In fact Microsoft has revealed that they still have plenty of unannounced games designed for the Kinect in mind and that they would reveal them in due time. This was confirmed by the general manager to global games publishing for the Xbox, Shannon Loftis.

Speaking to the folks at Polygon, Loftis was quoted as saying, “It’s still an option for gamers and it still powers what’s special about how you can navigate the dashboard. They wanted a choice and they got a choice.” She later adds, “More creators than you might expect are now engaging with Kinect for Xbox One.”

We suppose that’s good news, especially for gamers who bought the Xbox One at launch when it came with the Kinect bundled. Recently it has also been suggested that the Kinect might be a requirement should users plan to take full advantage of Cortana on the Xbox One.

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