When it comes to watches, most of the time they’re usually made with a stainless steel casing, or in the case of smartwatches they might use other metals such as aluminum. However in the case of the Mason Watch, its creators have decided to go off the reservation by crafting the watch entirely out of marble.
OK so maybe not 100% marble – the body of the watch and the backdrop of the watch appear to be made from marble, but naturally the innards of the watch, like what makes it tick, will continue to use metal, but safe to say that based on its design that it is a very unique-looking device that will have many heads turning.
While we suppose in some ways the watch does look elegant, it also looks rather thick and heavy, but we suppose that’s the price one pays to look fashionable. Its creators are also boasting that the watch will feature Swiss precision and will come with a variety of different leather straps that users can choose from.
According to the creators, “We see a watch industry dominated by plastics, metals, and alloys – but we want to craft items that are not only earth friendly, but made from materials that remind one to be patient, take time, and enjoy the moment.” If this sounds like a watch you wouldn’t mind wearing, head on over to its Kickstarter page to help make it a reality.
Filed in Crowdfunding, Kickstarter and Wearable Tech.
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