microsoft__logoThe Lumia 940 XL is a flagship handset that is supposedly in the works by Microsoft. In fact earlier this year, Microsoft did promise that they will bring flagship Windows Phone handsets to the market, but obviously no specs or details were given, leading many to speculate that a certain Lumia 940 XL would appear in the second half of the year.

Whether or not that is true remains to be seen, but recently ad network AdDuplex seemingly confirmed that existence of the device by listing a certain RM-1100 handset with a QHD resolution of 2560×1440, which based on earlier rumors is one of the specs of the upcoming phone.

The size of the display has not been confirmed but last we heard, it would feature a 5.7-inch display. AdDuplex also mentions another Lumia phone in the form of the RM-1104 which has a 5.2-inch display and a Full HD resolution. Given the close proximity of the model numbers, it has been speculated that this could be the smaller sibling – the Lumia 940.

In any case take it with a grain of salt for now but presumably we will only see Microsoft’s flagship Windows Phone handset only when Windows 10 Mobile has been released, so do check back with us later in the year for the details.

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