fallout-4Just yesterday Bethesda began to tease the official Fallout 4 announcement. While the game has yet to be officially confirmed, the teaser image certainly seems to point towards that. Now the question is which platforms could the game be launched on? Presumably it would launch on the PC and consoles like the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, but what about older consoles?

Well the good news is that if you have yet to get your hands on the newer consoles, you will be pleased to learn that the game could be released on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. This is according to the HTML code found on the website which makes reference to both consoles. Bethesda’s E3 listing also reveals that the company has a new RPG that will debut on these consoles as well.

Unless Bethesda has another RPG in the works that we don’t know about, there is a chance this could be in reference to Fallout 4. Given that developers are starting to develop more games with the newer consoles in mind, such as Ubisoft who won’t be bringing triple-A titles to older consoles, it’s nice to know that Bethesda still has our backs.

That being said we also doubt that Bethesda would want to leave out a huge market of gamers who have yet to upgrade, right? In any case this is still speculation for now, but check back with us later on for the official details.

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