Fallout 4 For Xbox 360 And PS3 Not Happening

fallout 4

There was no shortage of speculation regarding Fallout 4 but it became clear a couple of weeks back that Bethesda would soon unveil the new title, and certainly did earlier this week. The first Fallout 4 trailer was released and some details about the title were revealed, but obviously there’s much that Bethesda has yet to tell us. It has said something though which might not appeal to folks with previous-generation consoles, because there will be no Fallout 4 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

The confirmation comes straight from Bethesda itself so it can’t get more official than this, and it’s highly unlikely that the company is going to go back on its word and bring out Fallout 4 for Xbox 360 and PS3.

Global community manager for Bethesda Softworks, Matt Grandstaff, wrote in a thread on NeoGAF that the title is “not coming to 360 and PS3,” adding that “the stuff we’re doing will never work there.”

This confirmation clears things up once and for all, the direction that Bethesda is taking with Fallout 4 makes it impossible to bring the title over to previous-generation consoles, so that’s that.

After formally announcing the title last Wednesday, Bethesda said that Fallout 4 will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. It hasn’t provided a confirmed timeframe as yet but it’s believed that Fallout 4 will arrive later this year.

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