Have you ever tried to share a link on your Facebook app? If you’re sharing a link you found directly inside Facebook itself, it’s pretty easy, but what if you were surfing on your mobile browser and found something worth sharing? You’d have to first copy the link, go to Facebook, and then share it.
It’s not super inconvenient but it could be more efficient. Well for those who love efficiency, the latest update to the Facebook app will please you. In the latest update, Facebook has made sharing links on its mobile app easier. Instead of having to copy and paste the link in your status, users can instead try to scour Facebook for the link they want to share, as you can see in the screenshot above.
The feature is called “Add a link” and you should be able to access it when you’re trying to update your status. While it does seem like a relatively minor feature, Re/code notes that its implications are huge, namely how Facebook is starting to leverage the information they have stored on its social network to add as a search engine of sorts.
This will also ensure that users won’t have to leave its app to access outside information, which is also why the company has started hosting information from other websites, thus saving users the need to load a website when they can read the information inside Facebook directly.
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