It was reported earlier in the day that BlackBerry sold 1.1 million smartphones in the previous quarter – which is a paltry amount no matter how you look at it, and that proved to be close to 33% less smartphones compared to the previous quarter. It is still remaining afloat courtesy of its services and software licensing business, and does set to continue rolling out smartphones that are rocking to the BlackBerry OS. However, with whispers of an Android-powered BlackBerry in the pipeline, could that be the Holy Grail that BlackBerry is looking for? BlackBerry CEO John Chen discussed that further today.

The video interview with CNBC that you can see above saw Chen questioned about Android-powered BlackBerry devices, and this was his answer. “We only build secure phones, and BlackBerry is the most secure phone. So, if I can find a way to secure the Android phone, I will also build that.”

It looks like if BlackBerry were to churn out an Android device, it will be secure – in order to remain in line with the BlackBerry philosophy. Other than that, no other details were made available concerning the possibility of the Android-powered device, but we will sit tight and wait for any new developments. Hopefully more news about the BlakBerry ‘Prague’ will be made known sooner rather than later!

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