”We have removed apps from the App Store that use the Confederate flag in offensive or mean-spirited ways, which is in violation of our guidelines. We are not removing apps that display the Confederate flag for educational or historical uses.”
This does sound to be a rather fair and balanced statement at first glance, but there will be certain quarters out there who are not too pleased with what has happened. Developers of the game Ultimate General: Gettysburg claimed that Apple did make mention to the developers that the game itself can be reinstated should the Confederate flag were removed, but Game-Labs will not take that step, saying, “Spielberg’s Schindler’s List did not try to amend his movie to look more comfortable. The historical Gettysburg movie (1993) is still on iTunes.We believe that all historical art forms: books, movies, or games such as ours, help to learn and understand history, depicting events as they were. True stories are more important to us than money. We really hope that Apple’s decision will achieve the desired results. … We can’t change history, but we can change the future.” You can read more from Game-Labs on their forum.
What do you think?