Amazon has released new sharing features for Kindle books, which is aimed at making conversations about books easier for the readers. Now the readers can very well use their smartphone’s messaging applications to have conversations with the friends who have not used Kindle before.
Readers were already allowed to share quotations and recommendations with their buddies over Facebook and Twitter, and with this latest feature they can now start conversations with them too about any book. Also, now the quotation or recommendation shared by a Kindle user allows others to start reading it right away from within the link, much like any other link to articles these days.
It all works in a pretty simplified manner, whenever a user shares a quote or recommendation, the receiver will be allowed to instantly start reading the sample of the book without the requisite of any sign-up or app installation. Users can easily share their favorite read with finds over instant messaging platforms such as Whatsapp, and other modes of conversation as well, such as e-mail, text and many more. Also, friends who receive recommendations can start reading them form PC, smartphone or tablet.
These changes made in the sharing system of kindle will surely make readers much more involved with sharing their favorite reads with friends and family.
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