warlords-draenor-alphaBlizzard’s long-running MMORPG World of Warcraft has seen its subscriber base fluctuate over the years. However it seems that in the company’s latest earnings report, it looks like the game has lost nearly 3 million subscribers in the past three months – 2.9 million to be specific. This is down from the 10 million subscriber mark that Blizzard enjoyed towards the end of 2014.

For the quarter ending on the 31st of March, Blizzard reported that World of Warcraft had 7.1 million subscribers. However while it does seem that the game is losing its active playerbase, the company claims that the game remains the top subscription-based MMO in the world. The company attributes this to price increases in select regions, along with value added services such, which we can only assume refer to pets and mounts that can be purchased with real money, and the ability to level up characters to 90 for $60.

Like we said earlier, World of Warcraft’s subscription numbers have been on a steady decline over the years, although it was last year that subscription spiked noticeably thanks to the launch of the Warlords of Draenor expansion. Prior to that the game was hovering around the 7 million mark. Perhaps the next expansion will see another spike, but in the meantime we guess it’s only natural for a game more than 10 years old to start seeing a decline in players.

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