When developers release new games, they sometimes tend to neglect their older titles and accessories. A good example would be the upcoming Guitar Hero Live title from Activision in which older Guitar Hero controllers would not be compatible with the game, so gamers who spent money on these controllers would be pretty much out of luck.
Fortunately that will not happen to Street Fighter IV gamers. As you might have heard, the game is going to be launched on the PlayStation 4 come 26th of May and we’re sure many gamers were worried that their PS3 fight sticks would not be compatible with it. Given that these controllers do not come cheap, it was an understandable concern.
So what Capcom has done is that they have included the drivers for Lab Zero Game’s PS3 fight stick in the PS4 edition of the game, so gamers who are still holding onto their peripherals should not have any issue using their older controls for the new title. In a blog post by Sony, “Ultra Street Fighter IV will support PS4 FightSticks, of course. But we’ve also included Lab Zero’s drivers so that USFIV will support licensed PS3 FightSticks as well.”
The company also points gamers towards Capcom Unity and Lab Zero’s websites on details on how it will work should gamers have any questions.