Streaming On Periscope Without Twitter Account Now Possible


Live streaming apps Meerkat and Periscope have gained a lot of popularity over the past few months which is why these apps are constantly being updated with new features and improvements to ensure that users don’t jump ship, or that they don’t lose interest in live streaming whatever they want to through a mobile app. Periscope, which is Twitter’s iOS-only live streaming app, has now been updated to work without requiring a Twitter account.

Twitter will still recommend users that they sign into the app with a Twitter account so that the app can use social graphs to find people to follow. Now though after the update, new users can simply sign up for Periscope using their phone number.

Minor tweaks have also been made in this update which lets both viewers and streamers to change their profile pictures, it’s also much easier to reply to comments on live streams and the app will even show when a streamer has blocked a viewer in a broadcast chatroom.

It has only been six weeks since Twitter released the Periscope app after first acquiring the company for an undisclosed amount. Currently Periscope is only available for iOS but plans for an Android version have not been ruled out. It’s competitor, Meerkat, is already available for both iOS and Android.

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