It has been over a decade since the Steven Spielberg directed movie Minority Report came out and wowed many with its sci-fi elements. There wasn’t much talk about the future of Minority Report once the movie came out and ended it run on the big screen. Nearly 13 years after it came out Fox has now confirmed that it’s going to bring back Minority Report as a TV show and today it released the first trailer for the upcoming series.
The basic idea remains the same. Fox’s Minority Report also features “precogs’ who basically have a gift to see into the future and prevent crimes before they are actually committed.
Fox has already confirmed that the show is going to be set a decade after pre-crime ends in Washington, D.C. The series will revolve around three precogs one of which finds it hard to lead a normal life in the nation’s capital following the end of pre-crime.
Seeing as how the precog unit has been disbanded, one of them teams up with a detective to launch clandestine operations in order to stop crimes before they’re committed.
The first trailer for the Minority Report TV show is out today and it will certainly be the first of many glimpses that we’ll get at this new series before it airs this fall.
Filed in Entertainment.
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