In-game purchases for games like League of Legends, DotA 2, Team Fortress, and Hearthstone will eventually add up over time and you could end up spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on items that you may or may not eventually regret. However it seems that one particular gamer who goes by the handle MattCauthron decided to blow $3,200 in a single night on Hearthstone.
Hearthstone, for those unfamiliar, is Blizzard’s free-to-play card game. Gamers can collect gold to purchase booster packs, or alternatively buy them using real money. MattCauthron, whose real name is Nick, posted on Reddit about his purchase claiming that he made it while he was drunk. So why spend so much? Couldn’t he just have farmed for them? Sure, he could, but according to Nick the idea was to build an entire deck made from gold cards.
Speaking to PCGamer in an interview, Nick was asked if he had any regrets spending this much on Hearthstone card packs, to which he said that he does not. “Let’s say I’ve spent $5,000 on this game total, and received 1,000 hours of entertainment from it. That’s only $5 an hour of entertainment. I’ll spend 60 bucks on a game that I play for 15 minutes and never touch again. Spend money on what you enjoy! My best friend spent $20k on his motorcycle hobby that only lasted one year. Is this really any different?” We’re not sure we can justify spending that much, but what do you guys think?
Filed in Blizzard and Hearthstone.
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