Facebook Hack

Well, this news can seriously make you re-check your Facebook Messenger setting right away. A new Chrome Extension is making waves in the market and its main function is to provide the location data of your Facebook friends, basically all the places they have been to.

The extension’s name is Marauder’s Map, which is highly inspired from the movie ‘Harry Potter’ — In the movie, the map lets Harry track people. The extension provides users with a map that is tracked on the basis of location from where your friends sends the message from the Facebook Messenger.

It informs users about the location in the form of bubble, so as soon as you receive the message from your friend, a bubble pops up beside it and displays all the past locations from where the user had been active. It is an extension for Chrome and it fetches the map to the screen as soon as user opens the messenger.

The developer of this extension says, “Bubbles on the map represent the most recent location for each user, and clicking on a user’s bubble brings up all past location points recorded for that user.”

Interestingly, the Chrome Extension will only be functional if the user has not disabled the location access function in the messenger. The developer also say that, “This extension was developed as a demonstration not an actual tool to creep on your Facebook acquaintances. It is not meant to be used as a tool to creep on your friends, rather a demonstration of the scary amount of information you can gather on someone just by aggregating the data they provide through messenger.”

There are millions of users all around the world who use the messenger app on a regular basis, now this latest loop in the security can make them think twice before sharing information with not just the messenger, but any other messenger platform that requires their information.

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