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Smartwatches let you do a lot of things right from your wrist, such as checking and sending messages, getting directions, taking notes, playing music, taking calls and much more. You do need to tap on the screen to make these functions work and if your free hand is full then it’s a bit of a stretch to get anything to work. The Aria module seeks to solve this problem by enabling gesture controls on your Android Wear or Pebble Time smartwatch.

Aria is a band that can be added on to your existing Android Wear or Pebble Time smartwatch. What it does basically is measure movement in the wrist to control several features of the smartwatch. It can be clipped on to the existing band of any Pebble Time or Android Wear smartwatch.

It then eliminates the need to tap on the screen to use some features, instead it controls them through gestures made with fingers.

Aria’s developers will sell two versions of this module through Kickstarter, the cheapest that’s purpose built for Pebble Time costs $69 and it will hook up directly with the watch and won’t require constant Bluetooth connection or an independent battery.

Android Wear smartwatch owners will have to purchase the $169 Aria module that has its own battery, requires constant Bluetooth connection and also brings a SDK so that developers can tinker around with it.

Aria’s Kickstarter campaign should go live in the near future.

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