Late last year Sony Pictures Entertainment was hit with a devastating cyberattack. A group calling itself Guardians of Peace leaked data stolen from the company’s servers, this included emails from top executives, Hollywood hotshots and even personal and private information of the company’s current and former employees. You can now search through that leaked data on WikiLeaks.
Today WikiLeaks released what it calls “The Sony Archives,” as the name suggests its an online searchable database which contains over 173,000 emails and 30,000 documents that were leaked during the Sony Pictures hack.
The organization also claims that this archive contains email exchanges between Sony Pictures Entertainment and the White House, and that more than “100 US government email addresses” can be found in the database.
Writing in a blog post WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange says this archive shows the “inner workings of an influential multinational corporation,” and that this information belongs in the public domain. “WikiLeaks will ensure it stays there,” writes Assange.
Soon after the hack, North Korea was publicly named as the culprit, apparently it orchestrated the attack as retaliation against The Interview, a comedy movie produced by Sony Pictures which depicts the assassination of North Korea supremo Kim Jong-Un.
North Korea has since maintained that it had nothing to do with the cyberattack, but believes that justice was served.
Filed in Cyberattack and Sony Pictures.
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