OnePlus tapped Cyanogen to be the software supplier for its first smartphone, the OnePlus One. Over the past few months the relationship between both companies has deteriorated and they’ve since had a falling out. OnePlus confirmed then that it will start making its own ROM from now on. OxygenOS is the company’s first in-house ROM for its smartphone and it’s based on Lollipop. After being delayed recently the OnePlus OxygenOS Lollipop ROM has finally been released.
This means that OnePlus One users who have long been waiting to get a taste of Lollipop on their devices can now do so. They no longer have to wait for CM12S, the Lollipop update that Cyanogen has in the pipeline, because that update was also recently delayed.
The OnePlus One OxygenOS ROM is based on Android 5.0.2 so the underlying software version is quite recent. OnePlus has focused on keeping the experience as similar to vanilla Android as possible and it has succeeded.
OnePlus has now put up a promotional page for its first ROM for the OnePlus One. The ROM can be downloaded from there, and it includes instructions on how to flash it. It will bring up the device straight from CyanogenMod 11S to the Android 5.0.2 Lollipop-based OxygenOS version 1.0.
Filed in Lollipop, OnePlus One and Oxygenos.
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