For those who are hearing about this for the first time, back in March NVIDIA released the GeForce 347.88 WHQL driver which also the driver recommended for Battlefield Hardline. It was also then that the company released their GeForce Titan X and for a moment it looked like everything was going according to plan, at least until gamers started to experience these crashes which then forced NVIDIA to release the hotfix.
According to the company, gamers of either game who experience the crashing will see the game crash with a Direct X error message for Battlefield Hardline, and as for Dragon Age: Inquisition, they will experience a TDR crash. The company’s website is also hosting the hotfix so if you have yet to update your drivers, then head on over to NVIDIA’s website where you will be able to download the hotfix for both 32/64-bit systems covering both the desktop and laptop.