The question is, how many of us have been frustrated enough to take our computers out back and put eight bullets in it? Because that’s what a man by the name of Lucas Hinch did when his computer started acting up. According to the police, Hinch was so frustrated by his computer that he took it into the back alley and fired off eight shots from his gun into it.
Hinch was detained for discharging a firearm within the city and the judge has yet to rule on what penalty he will be facing for his crime. According to Jeff Strossner, a police spokesman who released a statement to the Colorado Springs Gazette, “He got tired of fighting with his computer for the last several months.”
It seems that the final straw was when Hinch attempted to reboot his computer via the CTRL+ALT+DEL method, only to find out it did not work. According to the Gazette, “He was able to wreak the kind of revenge most of us only dream about. The computer is not expected to recover.”