
The Windows Phone community has been busy since the past couple of weeks as Microsoft has been releasing updated builds of Windows 10 for Phones almost every other week. Microsoft is running a public preview program for its next major software update so that people can try Windows 10 for Phones before it’s publicly released later this year. Screenshots from an apparently leaked Windows 10 for Phones build shows some tweaks that are likely to be made to Live Tiles.

It won’t be surprising at all if Microsoft does make these tweaks. During the public preview program we expect Microsoft to shake things up as it makes the software ready for its public release later this year.

Microsoft has gradually been adding features to these builds, just recently it brought the much awaited Project Spartan web browser to Windows 10 for Phones preview builds.

These screenshots show slight changes to the layout of Live Tiles. In build 10070 the tiles appear to be quite close to each other than they have been in the past.

It’s likely that Microsoft is making spacing changes to Windows 10 for Phones, the possibility also exists that this just might be a scaling issue on the device this build is running on, the Samsung ATIV S.

We’ll have to wait until build 10070 is formally released by Microsoft to be absolutely sure of what’s going on here.

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