Remember the Google Glass? Well, we don’t blame you for the sudden amnesia. Anyway, the news is, Glass is coming back to life.
It was around last month when Google and Luxottica came into partnership for co-making Google Glass. The foundation behind the collaboration was to turn the Glass into high-fashion lifestyle and innovative technology. Luxottica’s premium brands such as, Oakley and Ray-Ban were highlighted as being a part of the program.
In mid-January, it was revealed that Google has ceased selling the primary version of the Google Glass and moved it out of the its Google X research lab to a single unit. However, the company did hint that it is still pursuing the project and trying to make it more relatable to the general users. The program was then handed over to Tony Fadell, head of Google’s Nest connected home division to make it user-ready.
In a statement made to The Wall Street Journal, Massimo Vian, CEO of Luxottica, said, “partnership with Google on Google Glass is still alive and a new version will be out soon,” he said.
The statement pretty much indicates that the development of Google Glass is going at a fast speed. He also said, ”In Google, there are some second thoughts on how to interpret version 3 [of the eyewear]. What you saw was version 1. We’re now working on version 2, which is in preparation.”
Google is most likely to announce the second version of Google Glass as soon as it is usable for general public. We assume that they will initially run a testing program for the device before launch like they did for the first version of Google Glass.
Filed in Google and Google Glass.
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