According to a new report Microsoft has teamed up with Black Tusk Studios to create Gears of War remastered for Xbox One. It won’t be a new title rather it’s just going to be a remastered version of the original Gears of War title that’s compatible with the new console from Microsoft. The remastered version will however come with updated visuals and reworked cutscenes if the report is to be believed.
The folks at Polygon report that they have seen the remade opening cinematic of Gears of War remastered and say that it provides a new look at the Locust invasion with improved visuals.
Gears of War was originally released for the Xbox 360 back in 2006, it soon became popular with the community. Those who moved up to the Xbox One might welcome the chance to play this title again on the new console if a remastered version is released.
Epic Games sold the Gears of War property to Microsoft last year and the company teamed up with Black Tusk Studios to continue development of this franchise. The first project now appears to be a remaster of the original Gears of War title.
There has been no comment as yet from Microsoft or Black Tusk Studios so it’s unclear at this point in time if and when this title will be released for Xbox One owners.
Filed in Gears Of War, Microsoft and Xbox One.
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