
April 12th is the day that Game of Thrones fans have been waiting for since last year. Season 5 of this popular TV show from HBO is due to air later today but the cable giant has bigger fish to fry. Somebody has leaked the first four episodes of season 5, effectively relegating HBO to reruns of the show for at least four weeks. As you can expect, today’s Game of Thrones season 5 leak is a spoilers galore.

Spoilers from the Game of Thrones season 5 leak won’t matter to you much if you’ve already read all of the books from A Song of Ice and Fire, the series that this show is based on.

If you haven’t then that’s a completely different story. You’ve obviously been waiting anxiously to find out what happens to Arya Stark when she boards the ship to Braavos, to Tyrion Lannister who is smuggled out of Kings Landing and to all of our favorite characters in Westeros and beyond.

Those who want to stay far away from these spoilers should probably avoid social networks because that’s where you’re most likely to run into them.

The first four episodes from season 5 were leaked online earlier today and torrents spread like wildfire. Game of Thrones is already the most pirated TV show so it’s not like people will have any qualms about illegally downloading the leaked episodes.

For HBO this is a disaster. It was counting on Game of Thrones to sell HBO Now subscriptions, its new cable subscription-free internet TV streaming service, which went live last week.

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