Apple fans can hardly wait for the company’s new product to arrive. The Apple Watch will hit stores later this month. It is the first truly new device that Apple has released in years so naturally there’s a lot of hype surrounding it. It also happens to be Apple’s first smartwatch and many are waiting to see if it manages to shake up the wearable device industry. Today a purported Apple Watch unboxing video has appeared online from Hong Kong, showing us what opening the box for the first time might look like.
Earlier today we also got to see purported images of the Apple Watch’s retail packaging. What we saw in those images and what we see here does look similar, so perhaps this really is the final retail packaging of the Apple Watch.
The video shows that accessories in the box include a wall adapter, an inductive charger, an instruction guide and a cloth for keeping the Apple Watch nice and shiny.
This video isn’t long by any means but does lay out what we can expect to see in the retail box of Apple’s first smartwatch.
Apple hasn’t officially shown off the retail packaging yet so it can’t be said for sure as yet what we see in this video is fake. We’ll only come to know for sure when the Apple Watch is released, and for that we have to wait until April 24th.