Thanks to faster network speeds and smartphones, surfing the web via our smartphones is becoming a viable alternative to using a computer. Granted the screens aren’t as big and the virtual keyboard might not be as comfortable, but while on the go and in a pinch, using your smartphone to get online is doable.
That being said it seems that for some, using their smartphone to get online is the only way they can use the internet. This is according to a recent study conducted by Pew Research in which they found that 7% of Americans rely on their smartphones solely for internet. 10% were also found to not have broadband access at home, and another 15% say that they have few other options besides their smartphones in which they can get online.
The same research was the one that found that smartphone usage amongst Americans are on the rise. It was found that 64% of Americans now own a smartphone, although it seems that despite the rising number of smartphone owners, it seems that there are many who are also struggling to maintain one, citing reasons such as their data plans being considered a financial burden to them.
It also seems like many users were found to have hit their data cap quite often. 30% of those the research surveyed said that they frequently reach their max data cap, while a whopping 51% say that this happens to them occasionally.
Filed in Study.
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