It would probably be in your best interests to avoid plugging in a stranger’s USB drive into your computer. This practice will go a long way in ensuring that your computer remains free of malware and viruses which are not exactly hard to catch in this day and age. As it turns out there are far more dangerous USB drives out there they don’t even both with malware. They just fry your computer completely.
The simple idea behind this flash drive is to push a load of voltage to the USB controller with negative voltage. It is wired to draw a significant amount of power and store it until a certain level is reached. Once that level is reached the drive will return that power to the source.
This source would either be a dedicated USB controller or the CPU. USB controllers tend to be built into the main processor so this is a sure fire way to render a computer useless. The sheer amount of power that it sends back is enough to overload the circuits and proverbially fry them.
Schematics for this killer USB drive haven’t been released by the person who detailed what it can do. That said, this doesn’t mean someone else can’t use the same idea and come up with something similar on their own, so be wary of plugging in a stranger’s USB drive from now.