If there’s a reason to get into games like Hearthstone it is because games for the most part don’t take too long, unlike other card games that might have more complex moves and combos that could essentially prolong it. Thanks to built-in timers, players will also have a limited amount of time to make their decisions, so players won’t be able to unnecessarily extend the game.
However it seems that one player by the name of Mamytwink has found a loophole in the game that will basically allow him to take over 40 hours to complete a single move. How does this work, you ask? Basically Mamytwink plays seven Prophet Velens in the game, which for non-Hearthstone players means he gets to double the number of arcane missiles.
He then buffs the cards to increase the damage, and to get things moving he played nine arcane missile cards in one turn, which after all the buffs and card mechanics are taken into account, results in a whopping 28,752 arcane missiles being fired. After doing the math, Mamytwink has found that it would take 43.68 hours for all the animations to complete.
But wait, how is the other player still alive? The other player is alive thanks to the use of the Ice Block card that helps keep them alive when dealt fatal damage. Essentially Mamytwink is trying to go for the world record for the longest Hearthstone turn ever, and we think he has a good chance of doing so. At this time of writing, Mamytwink has clocked over 20 hours and has appealed to Blizzard to not break his streak. If you’d like to watch his stream, check out the live stream above.