We’re not sure about you guys, but if you were to see someone sauntering down the streets with a flamethrower in hand, we would run in the other direction. In some ways it might even be considered to be a weapon, but interestingly enough the XM42 handheld flamethrower by Ion Productions is considered to be perfectly legal in 49 states, save for California.
In fact the device is expected to go on sale and can be yours for as much as $700 when it launches its Indiegogo campaign on the 23rd of March. According to the company, they are calling the XM42 the world’s first commercially available handheld flamethrower. Now putting aside the potential danger that comes with the device, we have to say it looks incredibly badass!
Its operation also appears to be pretty straightforward too which the company describes as, “The XM42 is the world’s first fully handheld, grab and go flamethrower on the market. No heavy pressurized tanks, no silly car-wash sprayers.” They have even billed the device as being “easy and fun”.
So why would you want to own a flamethrower? According to Ion Productions, some possible use for the device includes clearing off snow/ice, killing off weeds, starting bonfires, insect control, and our personal favorite – “a fun device to enjoy with friends,” because why not?
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