This particular incident happened to one Reddit user who then posted the story, citing that his Samsung Galaxy S5 sparked off the beginnings of a bonfire as he was away for groceries. Apparently, Reddit user Jjhend claimed that he used an original Samsung battery. Jjhend’s story is as below.
My Samsung Galaxy S5 Caught Fire.
Well, Earlier today I decided to take a quick run to the store for some groceries. Not planning on being out long I left my Galaxy S5 on my desk while I ran some errands. To my suprise when I came house smelled of electrical fire and my phone was sitting peacefully on my desk smoking. I poured a glass of water on the phone and then begain to observe it to see what happened. Here is the aftermath
Now lucky me the phone is over a year old and did not have a warrenty on it so it appears that im shit out of luck and still owe around $400 on this HOT phone.