beats-music-web-playerIf you’re not a fan of the Adobe Flash platform, you will be pleased to learn that a new Safari extension has been released that will allow OS X owners to enjoy Beats Music via the web player version of Beats Music without having to rely on Flash. Instead the extension will see the web player use HTML5 which might sit well with some users.

According to its creator, Chris Aljoudi, the creation of the extension came about after he felt disappointed that the web player version relied on Flash. He wrote, “It’s completely free and very minimal. Install BeatsMe, and just works using native HTML5 audio playback. No Flash required. You even get better battery life in comparison as a free bonus!”

Like Aljoudi said the extension is free and quick and easy to install, so go ahead and take it for a spin if you wouldn’t mind switching out from Flash to HTML5. In the meantime we have been hearing reports that Apple is gearing up to relaunch Beats Music. The revamped service is rumored for a summer launch which should be just nice for a WWDC announcement.

However Apple’s plans to make the service more affordable might have been met with some resistance. Record labels are reportedly not allowing Apple to price the service below $9.99 which was what Apple had originally planned to do by pricing it at $7.99, so unless Apple doesn’t mind absorbing some of the costs, it is unlikely that we will see Apple’s relaunched music service priced cheaper than its rivals.

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