Mortal Kombat X Has A Quitality That Deals With Rage Quitters

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We’re sure most gamers have experienced this at one point in time in which a game that they were winning coming to a sudden and abrupt end. This is because the other gamer might have quit in protest or felt that they had no more hope and just left. While considered a victory, it does leave one feeling a frustrated and “cheated”.

The good folks at NetherRealm have decided to do something about that and with their upcoming Mortal Kombat X, they have introduced a new “-lity” ending called Quitality. Basically this will see the player finish off the person who raged quit by exploding their heads. It will also give the winner a flawless victory so that they will “look better”, according to the developers.

It’s a pretty clever idea and if you want to take your frustration out on rage quitters, the Quitality finish move seems like a good way to go about it. You can check it out for yourself in the video above. Mortal Kombat X for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and the PC is due for a release on the 14th of April.

The mobile version of the game is also pegged for a release around that time as well. For gamers who are looking forward to the PS3/Xbox 360 version of the game, it seems that it has been delayed until the summer.

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