Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard Ready To Rock And Roll
[MWC 2015] You fold a piece of paper, you fold some bills so that they will find a place in your wallet – but do you fold a keyboard? Most probably not, unless you happen to own one of those rollable keyboards that you can bring with you wherever you go. Well, here is something from Microsoft that might just catch your fancy – the Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard which so happens to be an ultra-thin and lightweight accessory that will play nice with a plethora of devices, ranging from Apple’s iPads and iPhones, all the way to Android-powered devices and Windows tablets.
Needless to say, it will also be compatible with the Windows Phone platform, and one would also expect it to work flawlessly when Windows 10 comes about. After all, what good is it if it were unable to deliver a working ability on that platform? Having said that, we do not have all the other nitty gritty concerning the Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard at this point in time, since there is not much else revealed at the moment. Hopefully someone, somewhere, will be able to share on the delicious details such as pricing and availability. How much do you think that the Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard ought to be priced before you make a purchase decision?