Message Engraving Could Be Offered For The Apple Watch

apple-iwatch-bio-sensorItems such as jewelry seem like the perfect kind of product worth engraving a message on, like a message to a loved one, friend, family member, and so on, and it looks like Apple could be thinking about offering that feature to Apple Watch customers. According to the rumors, word on the street has it that message engraving could be a service that Apple might offer to customers.

What this means is that if you’re buying the Apple Watch as a gift to someone, you can choose to engrave a message on it that might show your thoughtfulness or affection towards that person. However it is unclear if this service will be available at the launch of the Apple Watch or if it will be offered at a later date, but for now the rumors claim that there will be such a feature offered.

That being said we have to wonder where the engraving will do. After all if you recall, the back of the watch is where the sensors are located. Watches typically leave the back portion blank which is where the engraving can be placed, but with the sensors positioned at the back, we have to wonder where Apple will be able to fit messages.

In any case the Apple Watch is expected to be launched on the 9th of March so perhaps additional details about this service (if it even exists at all) will be shared with us then, so do check back with us on the 9th of March for the details!

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