Google Now’s voice search is a pretty awesome feature that Android users have access to. Users can ask it all sorts of questions and it will be able to find an answer to those questions, or at least point users towards that direction, but wouldn’t it be cool if Google didn’t confine Google Now to just Android phones?

Well the good news for users and children is that Google has recently announced Google Panda, which is basically the physical representation of Google Now. It’s a cute little plushie that can act as a physical version of Google Now, allowing users to ask questions to the soft toy and have it give you back the answers.

According to Google, Google Panda is built to be mobile, shock-resistant, and cute, and comes in two sizes – Google Panda 5 and Google Panda 6, depending on your hand size. It is also very obviously Google’s take on an April Fool’s joke so if you thought it was real, sorry to disappoint! However as silly (or as cute) as Google Panda is, we have to admit it is a good idea.

After all who’s to say that all our gadgets need to be sci-fi and hi-tech looking, right? Not to mention such toys and concepts make for great educational tools with children, although if Mattel’s Hello Barbie is anything to go by, there could be some issues about privacy. In the meantime you can check out the Google Panda “announcement” in the video above.

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