pac-man-googlestreetsWe did bring you Samsung’s attempt at an April Fool’s Day prank earlier this morning, where it involved the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge smart knife, which was a smartphone and a piece of kitchen utensil, all rolled into one. Of course, one would shudder at the thought of having a razor sharp edge as your smartphone, since holding on to it too hard might end up leaving you with more than just a few cuts. But I digress – Google has decided to usher in April Fool’s Day via tinkering with Google Maps.

Basically, if you were to boot up Google Maps and land yourself in an area where there are plenty of roads around – and New York City would fit the bill nicely, just click on the notable Pac-Man icon that is located on the bottom left, and then you would be transported to the past with the ability to play Pac-Man right there and then on Google Maps. Needless to say, you would have to do your bit to watch out for pesky ghosts, and there are power pills lying around so that you can turn the tables on those ghosts and gobble them up for points instead. Pretty cool, don’t you think so?

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