Earlier this week Google confirmed that a new YouTube for Kids app will be released soon. The main reason behind this app is to allow kids to watch age-appropriate content on the world’s largest video streaming website, which obviously plays host to content that’s not fit for consumption by the little ones. This is why the YouTube for Kids app has been created and today it has been released for both Android and iOS.

Google says that this is “the first Google product built from the ground up with little ones in mind.” Today the app has been released for Android and iOS but soon it will also be available on tablets that are geared towards kids, like the Nabi and Kurio.

YouTube for Kids will feature a curated selection of videos that’s age-appropriate for the little ones. The videos will be presented in a “bright and playful design,” so kids can actually have a fun time navigating the app.

The app is broken up into four sections, music, learning, shows and explore. There’s ample content from the likes of DreamWorks, Reading Rainbow, Talking Tom and Friends, etc.

Parents do get a handful of control. They will be able to set viewing limits and even have sound options at their disposal. The search feature can be disabled which would limit the kids’ options to what the curated feed offers on the home screen.

YouTube for Kids is a free download from both Android and iOS.

Filed in Cellphones >Tablets. Read more about , , and . Source: youtube-global.blogspot