Ubisoft Ships 10 Million Assassin’s Creed Unity & Rogue Copies

assassin's creed unityLast year, Ubisoft launched two Assassin’s Creed titles – Unity and Rogue. Unity was designed for newer consoles like the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, while Rogue was designed for consoles like the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and it will also be making its way onto the PC in the near future.

That being said, how have both titles fared, especially given the issues that Unity ran into at its launch? As it turns out not too bad. Ubisoft revealed during their earnings call that both Assassin’s Creed Unity and Rogue have managed to ship a combined 10 million copies, but the company did not break down the figures so we can’t be sure if maybe one title did better than the other.

However we should note that Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag managed to ship 11 million copies, although that was in the year that it was released, so considering that Unity and Rogue have only a few months under their belt, we wouldn’t be surprised if they manage to catch up to Black Flag’s numbers.

Ubisoft’s CEO Yves Guillemot also revealed during the earnings call that in the next fiscal year, the company has a new Assassin’s Creed title planned, which last we checked would be set in London, and that title will be relying on Unity’s engine which its issues aside is actually a very pretty game.

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