drones foodDrones are useful for all sorts of things, such as recording footage in places where it might be hard to reach for a person, performing surveillance, making deliveries, and as it turns out drones could also be used to serve food. Over in Singapore a restaurant will be turning to the use of drones to serve food to their customers.

The drones are made by Infinium Robotics and will be able to carry as much as 2kg of food on their trays, which is about pints of beer, a pizza, and two glasses of wine. The drones will be able to make their way around the restaurant via a computer program and will be guided by infra-red sensors that are placed throughout the restaurant.

The use of drones isn’t so much a novelty, but rather it is meant to address Singapore’s lack of applicants in the service industry. The country has been trying to curb immigration and foreign labor, meaning that turning to foreign labor for cheap labor will be harder, and combine that with the fact that young Singaporeans these days are starting to shun service jobs due to the wages and perceived lower social status, drones could be the answer

However the drone will not be able to do everything as it will still require a waiter to help remove the plates and drinks from the tray. Edward Chia, the managing director of the Timbre Group in Singapore said that with the help of the drones, he will be able to open more outlets and redirect staff into doing higher-skilled jobs.

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