google translate paramedicsThere are so many different apps on our phones, all with different purposes, and it’s really hard to tell when they might all come in handy. Recently a couple of paramedics in Ireland found great use for the Google Translate app when they had to rush a Congolese woman to the hospital where she was going to give birth.

However while they were on route, the baby could no longer wait and that the lady had to give birth there and then. However her English was very limited which meant that it was near impossible to communicate with her, but one of the paramedics, a Gerry McCann, took out his phone and launched the Google Translate app where he was able to translate what he was saying into Swahili, and vice versa.

Through the magic of Google Translate, she was able to tell McCann what she wanted/needed to do and because of that, a healthy baby girl was born. It’s a pretty awesome story which shows just how much technology these days can influence our lives, not to mention save it as well. Back in the day both the mother and her paramedics would be at a loss to communicate although we suppose they would have figured it out eventually.

The latest version of Google Translate allows for conversations in which multiple languages can be spoken at once with the app detecting and translating it without the user having to keep swapping the languages in the settings.

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