If you have some basic finance knowledge, punching in these numbers into a financial calculator would grab you the answer, but if you’d rather not get it wrong, you’re in luck because Google has recently rolled out a mortgage calculator on their website. Now not only will you be able to ask Google all sorts of inane questions, but you will also be able to ask them to calculate your mortgage for you, how cool is that?
According to Google, “Starting today you can ask Google things like “How much can I borrow at $200 a month?” or “At 5% APR how much can I borrow over 10 years?” You can even adjust the mortgage amount, interest rate, mortgage period and more to see which financial options fit your needs.”
The feature can be accessed directly by typing in the search query into the search box. Alternatively if you’re not too sure what to ask for, you can always Google “mortgage calculator” and it will bring it up in the search results as well. As it stands it seems that the feature is limited to the US, but presumably it will make its way to other regions soon.
Filed in Google.
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