assassins-creed-release-dateAre you excited for the Assassin’s Creed movie? Considering that the Assassin’s Creed franchise is ripe for a movie, we guess some might be a hesitant when it comes to movies adapted from video games. That being said if you think that Assassin’s Creed movie will have redeeming qualities, you will be pleased to learn that it has officially begun production.

This was announced by Ubisoft’s CEO Yves Guillemot during the company’s earnings call. The movie has entered production and should be shooting soon, and assuming that everything goes to plan, it could be on track for a release in 2016 as was previously reported. The movie was originally planned for this year but delays forced its release to 2016, but we guess better late than never, right?

We can’t be sure what the storyline of the movie will be about, but it will be based on the Assassin’s Creed franchise and will see Michael Fassbender of X-Men fame star in it and play the lead role, so hopefully with Fassbender’s acting chops the movie won’t be a disaster like other video game-based movies in the past.

The actor stated that the movie will be respectful of the game, however he also added that “we also want to bring new elements to it and perhaps our own vision of things that already exist in the game.” Either way we guess we will have to wait to find out exactly what that entails.

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