The Elder Scrolls Online PS4 And Xbox One Release Date Confirmed

Waiting for Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls Online PS4 and Xbox One release? Take out your calendars and get ready to mark the date. Bethesda has finally confirmed the console release date for TESO . It also made another announcement today regarding subscription for the game, which is actually going to make the game a bit cheaper to play.

The Elder Scrolls Online – Tamriel Unlimited is the official moniker for this game on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Gamers will be able to play it with no game subscription fees starting June 9th.

This makes it similar to Guild Wars 2 where gamers simply purchase the game and play it in full, with online access, without having to pay extra per month.

It was rumored recently that Bethesda is going to make this shift before the game launches on consoles and the formal announcement came in today. That doesn’t mean Bethesda won’t come up with some other way to make money. Tamriel Unlimited brings a new optional membership package called Elder Scrolls Online Plus.

ESO Plus provides free access to all DLC packs, XP, gold and crafting bonuses and a monthly allotment of Crowns for purchasing items from the Crown Store.

The Crown Store is a new merchant store to ESO that brings optional cosmetic and convenience items that can be purchased for Crowns. Those who don’t purchase an ESO Plus membership will be able to purchase DLC packs separately and receive free patches that bring fixes and improvements.

The Elder Scrolls Online – Tamriel Unlimited will be released for PC and Mac as well on March 17th.

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