stadium-fitnessThe law of supply and demand works in this simple manner – if there is too much supply and very little demand, the price will naturally plummet. However, if supply is extremely limited and demand is high, you can more or less expect to fork out a premium for said device. The free market forces at work have seen some pretty wild auctions appear where the world of tech is concerned, including the world’s largest video game collection being auctioned off earlier this year. Here we are with what could very well be the most expensive auction for an unopened NES game, ever.

First released all the way back in 1987 as a limited run, Stadium Events for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was then removed from store shelves a year later in 1988 in order for Nintendo to re-release the “family fun fitness” mat technology and game, which would then fall under a new brand.

There has been some rough estimates cited, where approximately 2,000 of the North American version were ever produced, and out of all those, only 200 arrived at stores before being recalled. It is tipped that out of the 200 available in store shelves back then, only 10% of those have survived until today. Whittling things down further, only two of those happen to be factory sealed, and one of them is now up for sale on eBay.

Rated by VGGrader.Com as near mint, it has an opening price of $5,000, seeing more than 14 bids from a dozen people since to see the price go beyond the $35,000 mark since. All bidding will end this Thursday, Jan. 15 at 10 p.m. ET.

Filed in Gaming. Read more about and . Source: nintendolife