According to the reports, Sprint Nexus 6 owners are having some problems with receiving calls. Once in a while their phone is unable to receive incoming calls, and when the phone is in that state, it acts as though it has been turned off meaning that you won’t even get notifications that there is a call you might have missed.
Only if you were to check your call history or receive a voicemail that you will know that you have a missed call that you will need to tend to. The problem is sporadic in nature and some users are speculating that this could only happen when their phone is connected to WiFi. It also seems that this is an issue that has been around for more than a month, but until now there is no solution to be had.
The solution? Well like we said, some have found the issue to only occur while on WiFi, so turning WiFi off and using cellular internet might be a temporary solution, at least until Sprint comes up with a fix which will hopefully be soon. In the meantime any of our readers with Sprint’s Nexus 6 having similar issues with their handset?