plex-streamingHave you heard about Plex before? Plex happens to be a full featured streaming app which would enable one to set up a personal, in-home Netflix of sorts. Of course, other than just having to stream videos, Plex also allows one to save the point where you last viewed that video, only to continue viewing it from the paused moment on a different device altogether, how neat is that? Plex would also enable a user to stream both photos and music, which further extends the already capable features of the streaming service.

Plex has been made available for gamers rocking to the Xbox platform for quite some time already, and hence, it is more than a pleasant surprise to hear that Sony has announced Plex for PlayStation. Basically, Plex for PlayStation is available to everyone who owns a PlayStation, and carry a Plex Pass, of course. The process is as simple as signing into your PlayStation account, browse for the Plex app, pair up your Plex account to your PlayStation, and voila! You’re good to go.

At this point in time, there is no support for streaming photos or music, and you will also find no support for Cloud Sync libraries or Plex Channel, although this is not to say that such features will not arrive down the road. One can be optimistic, am I correct? [Press Release]

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