BlackBerry-LogoIt must be noted that the Beta version of Facebook remained in the BlackBerry Beta Zone ever since the middle of December last year, and after a fair bit of waiting, it looks as though it has made its way over to BlackBerry World. Do be wary and take note, however, that there are different versions of the updated app out there, and the particular one which you will be able to check out in BlackBerry World will pretty much depend on just which particular BlackBerry 10 device you you happen to be making use of. Thankfully, there are several features which will be made available in a uniformed manner regardless of which Facebook update version that plays nice with your specific BlackBerry smartphone.

Take for instance, the ability to add a photo as a comment – which is a radically different from adding a comment to a photo. After all, isn’t a picture worth a thousand words? Imagine posts that carry multiple pictures – those can then be viewed as a collage. Apart from that, these photos and stickers can be viewed in the comments segment, and the update will also enable one to check out extra story types. Last but not least, this update will also let you access the publisher bar which is located at the bottom of the screen in a jiffy.

It is a free download just in case you were wondering.

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