Late last month the first gameplay trailer for Rocksteady’s Batman Arkham Knight was released. This trailer gave us our first glimpse at how the caped crusader looks and functions in this new title. The trailer was the first in a three part series, with the final trailer being released at the PlayStation Experience event in Las Vegas, and it has been posted above for your viewing pleasure.

The trailers are part of the Ace Chemicals Infiltration series which show Batman infiltrating the facility through both land and air. We even get to see the Batmobile in action.

Batman Arkham Knight’s second gameplay trailer was released last week. It picked up from where we left off in the first trailer. Both offered us a good amount of gameplay footage, catering to gamers’ curiosity who have been anxiously to see what sort of a job Rocksteady has done with this title.

The third trailer was shown yesterday at the PlayStation Experience event. It continues with the infiltration of Ace Chemicals and shows Batman beating the crap out of some goons as he moves through the facility to take on his nemesis, and even save some civilians in the process.

Batman Arkham Knight will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and the PC on June 2nd, 2015.

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