gta5It seems that Target Australia has announced that they will no longer sell Grand Theft Auto 5 in their stores. The reason behind this particular move? Target Australia received complaints from customers concerning the game’s depictions of violence against women. This particular decision was made shortly after Target performed a public defense of its decision to keep the games in their stores.

There was an online petition that was kicked off by survivors of violence, where among them include sex industry workers, and this particular online petition did make a request to remove Grand Theft Auto 5 to be removed from Target. This particular petition began on November 29th, where it has already reached close to 41,000 signatures earlier this morning.

Target General Manager Corporate Affairs Jim Cooper did mention that this decision was made after “extensive community and customer concern about the game.”

Cooper mentioned, “We’ve been speaking to many customers over recent days about the game, and there is a significant level of concern about the game’s content. We’ve also had customer feedback in support of us selling the game, and we respect their perspective on the issue. However, we feel the decision to stop selling GTA 5 is in line with the majority view of our customers.”

Do bear in mind that the removal of this R-rated game from Target store shelves does not mean that other R-rated games and R-rated DVDs will be pulled.

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