smart lock chromeosIf you tend to bring your laptop to school or to work, chances are you will probably want to password protect it lest someone starts accessing files and documents without your knowledge while your computer is left unattended. However having to constantly re-enter your password can be a rather tedious process, but wouldn’t it be awesome if you could unlock your computer via your smartphone?

Well the good news is that if you’re a Chromebook owner, you will soon be able to unlock your laptop via your Android device. This is thanks to the Smart Lock feature that was announced earlier this year at Google I/O. Basically what this means for users is that instead of having to type their password, users will just need to be within range of their laptop to unlock it.

This is done via Bluetooth connectivity, which is why Google has warned that due to the range, your could be as far as 100 feet away and your Chromebook is still left unlocked. In order to sign back into your Chromebook, you will just need to click the icon on your computer and it will unlock without users having to re-enter their password.

As it stands Smart Lock for Chrome OS has been featured in the Dev channel and is being beta tested by developers, so hopefully what this means is that users will be able to expect a public release in the near future. It should also be noted that this will only work with Android devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop and above.

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